Yes, it is preferred to have the original set of antlers on the original full euro skull if majority of the replicas are going to be made with full euro skull.
We can but it is not preferred. We recommend having the antlers/horns removed from the mount in order to replicate without taking any chance of ruining the mount.
We are partnered with some of the best and most reliable taxidermists in North America and can get you pointed in the right direction for any species of animal.
Currently we have no available openings for Elk projects. Openings are very limited
Depending on the circumstances, In most cases we do not do repairs/restorations. We will send those projects to our trusted and reliable partners who specialize in repairs only.
You can ship it directly, drop it off in person, or in some cases we can meet to arrange pick up. Again please contact us with specific questions/details.
Replica prices vary depending on species, total gross score, non-typical, typical, number of sets made, ect.
Yes, we have a verity of replicas shown at various trade shows, and sporting goods stores as well as references that are more then happy to show you their replica if near by.
Turn around time really depends on our current work load, number of replicas being made, and dates needed by.
Note: Rush fees do apply when a curtain date is needed to be met